Candidatos a Elección Junta Directiva COAEYC 2022
About the Election
In 2024, COAEYC will fill 4 seats for the term beginning July 1, 2024 and ending June 30, 2026.
How to Vote
Per COAEYC bylaws, members will have 4 weeks to review the slate and get to know the candidates. Once voting opens (projected to open May 20), each COAEYC member will receive an email from Election Runner with their unique link and ID to vote. If you did not receive your link to vote in your inbox or junk folder, that likely means that your membership has lapsed. You can check the status of your account at any time by logging into
Meet the Candidates
General Seat
Chelsea Denny - Fort Collins
Javier Lastres Pacheco - Denver
Jennifer Young - Leadville
Sarah Goldman - Lone Tree
Sonia Semana - Fort Collins
Stacey Guymon - Monte Vista
Student Seat
Teacher Seat
Note: Please click on "View My Video" underneath the candidate's portrait to view an introduction video! Some candidates chose not to submit a photo or video, or are still in the process of preparing theirs, but we encourage you to read their statements. They are all wonderful candidates.
General Seat
Barb Wacker
Fuerte Morgan, Colorado
¿Cuál es su ocupación o puesto de trabajo? ¿Quién es su empleador o institución?
Especialista en cuidado infantil/Entrenador educativo, Early Learning Ventures
¿Cuál es un tema en la educación de la primera infancia que es importante para usted?
Retención de la fuerza laboral, falta de atención de calidad en las comunidades, falta de apoyo para los proveedores de cuidado infantil en el hogar.
Cuéntanos una meta profesional que tengas para el 2022.
Para apoyar a los proveedores a medida que continúan comprometiéndose con los sistemas para respaldar su negocio.
¿Por qué te interesa formar parte de la Junta Directiva del COAEYC?
Quiero seguir participando en la comunidad de la primera infancia y traer la voz de las comunidades rurales.
caitlyn russell
Aguamiel, Colorado
¿Cuál es su ocupación o puesto de trabajo? ¿Quién es su empleador o institución?
Educadora especial de primera infancia, Adams 12 Five Star Schools
¿Cuál es un tema en la educación de la primera infancia que es importante para usted?
Soy un firme defensor de la inclusión en los entornos de la primera infancia. Cuando a mi sobrino le diagnosticaron trastorno del espectro autista, me convertí en parte de su equipo al ayudar a mi hermana a navegar y aprender sobre los recursos. Al ver su progreso en la intervención temprana, decidí que quería ser un defensor de otros niños como él y familias como la mía.
Cuéntanos una meta profesional que tengas para el 2022.
Uno de mis objetivos este año es crear más conexiones entre los sistemas y programas de la primera infancia en Colorado. Me gustaría ser parte del fomento de una colaboración más profunda y la creación conjunta de comunidades de práctica y aprendizaje.
¿Por qué te interesa formar parte de la Junta Directiva del COAEYC?
Quiero participar más en el apoyo a los educadores y profesionales de la primera infancia a través del trabajo colaborativo en todos los sistemas de ECE de Colorado. Conocí NAEYC al comienzo de mi carrera en la primera infancia y me encantaría ser parte de lo que me ayudó a crecer y aprender como joven profesional.
Katherine (Kath) Courter
Boulder, Colorado
¿Cuál es su ocupación o puesto de trabajo? ¿Quién es su empleador o institución?
Directora de programas preescolares, de día extendido y de verano, Boulder Country Day
¿Cuál es un tema en la educación de la primera infancia que es importante para usted?
Equidad y defensa en la primera infancia, bienestar de los docentes y apoyo a los nuevos docentes con oportunidades de capacitación y desarrollo profesional.
Cuéntanos una meta profesional que tengas para el 2022.
Actualmente soy miembro del Programa de Becas de Liderazgo para la Primera Infancia de Buell y espero aplicar mis aprendizajes de liderazgo y ampliar mi alcance, apoyo y trabajo en el campo.
¿Por qué te interesa formar parte de la Junta Directiva del COAEYC?
Han pasado un par de años desde que me desempeñé como miembro de la junta. Es algo que disfruto y he estado buscando una nueva oportunidad para ofrecer mi tiempo y energía como voluntario. Servir en la junta de COAEYC sería una forma nueva y emocionante de retribuir al campo de ECE.
Sarah Goldman
Lone Tree, CO
What is your occupation or job title? Who is your employer or institution?
Account Manager at Discount School Supply
What is an issue in early childhood education that is important to you?
Where to begin...wage disparities and professionalizing the EC workforce, providing early childhood coaching that is not tied to a state initiative, DEI in programs, sustainability of EC Councils...just to name a few
Tell us about a professional goal that you have for this year.
This year, I will grow my network, strengthen existing relationships, and increase my GM value.
Why are you interested in serving on the COAEYC Board of Directors?
Serving on the COAEYC board would allow me to support early childhood professionals in a more direct and impactful manner beyond my current corporate job. In addition, serving would be another avenue in which to advocate for the needs of both children and providers. I believe my experience in the non-profit early childhood sector will lend itself beautifully to COAEYC's mission. COAEYC is growing and evolving and I wish to be a part of and contribute to its evolution.
Sonia Semana
Fort Collins, CO
Sonia is currently serving on the COAEYC
Board of Directors and is eligible to serve
a second term if re-elected.
What is your occupation or job title? Who is your employer or institution?
Manager of Education at Clayton Early Learning
What is an issue in early childhood education that is important to you?
I am currently deeply impacted by including family childcare providers in our work with children. I feel their voice is often lost. I am also concerned for the access of quality early education for our rural areas in Colorado and access to professional growth opportunities for our fellow educators.
Tell us about a professional goal that you have for this year.
My professional goal for this year is to continue being a loud voice for access to quality early childcare. I am going to continue being involved in public policy that impacts the work of early childhood educators. I am currently teaching at CU-Denver and would like to continue teaching bilingual courses for educators that would like to continue enhancing their professional growth. This year, I also set a goal to present at NAEYC PLI. I learned a couple of days ago that my presentation was selected. I would like to continue advocating for early childhood professional both local and rural areas.
Why are you interested in serving on the COAEYC Board of Directors?
I have been part of the board for the last two years. I am now more aware of the issues impacting local educators and families. I have also seen the board membership grow and how much the organization has expanded to connect with our members. I would like to continue being part of this growth and use my knowledge to provide a voice for our early childhood professionals. I feel we have much work do be done to reach our members and I want to work towards making COAEYC a strong resource for our Colorado community. I am also passionate to increase access to our non English speaking population in Colorado.
Stacey Guymon
Monte Vista, CO
What is your occupation or job title? Who is your employer or institution?
Elementary Principal and ECE Director at Monte Vista School District
ECE Adjunct Professor at TSC/CU programs
What is an issue in early childhood education that is important to you?
There are so many issues that I am concerned about. A few are: teacher qualification and retention, quality care in Rural areas, social emotional increasing behaviors in our young children, and support families post Covid.
Tell us about a professional goal that you have for this year.I would like to share my professional experience and knowledge with other around the State. I have accomplished many things in my local community and region, and I would like to expand and be part of conversation in a wider capacity.
Why are you interested in serving on the COAEYC Board of Directors?
I have been actively working in Early Childhood for the past 27 years. I am passionate about the work and would like be involved more at the State level of decision and planning.
Stacy is currently filling a vacant seat on the COAEYC Board of Directors. She is eligible to serve two consecutive terms if elected.
Student Seat
Karima Guittoune
Denver, CO
What is your occupation or job title? Who is your employer or institution?
Early Childhood Teacher and Arabic Interpreter at CCD Play and Learn Child Care Center
Graduate Student at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs
What is an issue in early childhood education that is important to you?
Something challenging the kids with special needs .
Tell us about a professional goal that you have for this year.
Become a director in ECE or higher level , develop my career with this domain , to serve and helps others
Why are you interested in serving on the COAEYC Board of Directors?
I love serving my community, especially when it is related to kids ( early childhood education in general ).
Teacher Seat
Leigh Carlson-Hernández
Glenwood Springs, Colorado
¿Cuál es su ocupación o puesto de trabajo? ¿Quién es su empleador o institución?
Gerente de Early Head Start, Departamento de Servicios Humanos del Condado de Eagle
¿Cuál es un tema en la educación de la primera infancia que es importante para usted?
Un sistema para la primera infancia bien coordinado que se centre en la equidad y apoye programas de alta calidad y el desarrollo de la fuerza laboral es importante para mí.
Cuéntanos una meta profesional que tengas para el 2022.
En mayo de 2022, me graduaré con mi Maestría en Educación Infantil, Liderazgo y Abogacía del Instituto Erikson. Para mi equipo, mi objetivo es implementar aún más prácticas reflexivas, supervisión y consulta para reducir el agotamiento relacionado con el trabajo y el trauma indirecto. También buscaré terminar mi Maestría en Gestión y Políticas Públicas o comenzaré a obtener mi doctorado.
¿Por qué te interesa formar parte de la Junta Directiva del COAEYC?
Regresé a Colorado en 2018 con mi familia de Pittsburgh, he adquirido más conocimiento y comprensión del paisaje de la primera infancia de Colorado y ahora me gustaría retribuir a la comunidad.