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منح المؤتمر

تعد المؤتمرات مصدرًا رائعًا للمعرفة والموارد للمعلمين الأوائل ، لكننا نتفهم أن التكلفة العالية لرسوم التسجيل يمكن أن تكون عائقًا للكثيرين. نحن نقدم المنح الدراسية عدة مرات في السنة للمؤتمرات المختلفة بما في ذلك مؤتمرات NAEYC الافتراضية ومؤتمرات كولورادو المحلية.

ChildCare Education Institute

  • Access to over 200 professional development courses in English and Spanish

  • Topics like Infant & Toddler Care, Preschool Care, School-Age Care, Health, Safety & Nutrition, Administration & Management, Diversity and Inclusion, Guidance & Classroom Management, Curriculum & Assessment, Child Development & Learning, Family & Community Engagement, and Professionalism & Quality Improvement.

  • Certificates granted after successful completion of Confirmation of Learning at the end of each course (so pay attention!)

Conscious Discipline E-Course: Start Strong - SEL Foundations and Resiliency in Infants and Toddlers

  • The Start Strong: SEL Foundations and Resiliency in Infants and Toddlers (0-3) course is divided into three key areas of focus: Safety Through Attunement, Connection Through Attachment, and Problem-Solving Through Autonomy. Each area of focus is broken into modules that introduce and contextualize life-changing information and practical learnings.

  • Video-based training modules led by Dr. Becky Bailey, Certified Instructor Angela Fraley and Certified Instructor Elizabeth Montero-Cefalo

  • Hands-on activities to apply new knowledge and develop skills

  • Session-by-session digital handouts

Conscious Discipline E-Course: Building Resilience Schools and Homes

  • This newly expanded and updated 10-session course will equip educators and parents alike with a foundational understanding of the Conscious Discipline Brain State Model and how to create safe, connected and problem-solving environments that allow adults and kids to function in their optimal brain state.

  • This course includes a downloadable participant workbook, additional digital resources, and printables.

  • A copy of the recommended text book, Conscious Discipline, is encouraged but not required. 


جمعية كولورادو لتعليم الأطفال الصغار (COAEYC) هي 501 (c) (3) غير ربحية ، وهي إحدى الشركات التابعة لـ NAEYC.

البريد الإلكتروني:

تبوك:​PO Box 200446
دنفر ، كولورادو 80220

هاتف:  (970) 633-2294

© 2021 by جمعية كولورادو لتعليم الأطفال الصغار.

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